Friday, April 5, 2013

Genesis Chapter 2

*When you see information in parenthesis, it means that I am giving you the Strong’s English definition for the translated Hebrew word or an alternate translation of the word/phrase.

The first part of chapter 2 of Genesis concludes the creation story in chapter 1.  In vs. 1-3 God rests on the 7th day and blessed that day of rest.  This is the first Sabbath. 

Another version of the creation story is in chapter 2.  The order of creation is totally different than chapter 1.

vs. 4-6 There were no plants on earth because it had not rained.  Humans were not there to farm the land.  A stream of water nourished the earth.

v.7 Man was formed out of the dust of the ground and God breathed life into him.

v.8 The garden of Eden (delight, fertility, or pleasure) was created.

v. 9 Plants came to life including the tree of knowledge and good and evil and the tree of life.

v. 10-14 Talks about the rivers flowing out of Eden into the surrounding lands.  Each land is identified by their precious jewels.

v. 15-17 God puts man in the garden and forbids him to eat from the tree of knowledge and good and evil. God tells him that the result will be death.

v.18 God says that man needs a companion.

v. 19-20 God makes animals and man names them.  None of the animals are suitable partners.

I find it problematic that God creates animals as a potential companion for man.  If God is an intelligent creator, wouldn’t he know that man and animals aren’t partners?  This contradicts the notion that God is all knowing.   These verses make God seem like a like he doesn’t know what he’s doing; unlike God in chapter 1 who is in charge of every aspect of his intelligent design.  Maybe this version of the story was written by a different writer or maybe it was a part of a different oral tradition.

vs. 21-23 God puts the man to sleep and forms the woman out of his rib (side).  Woman (ishsha) Man (ish)

v. 24 Man and woman becomes one flesh again through marriage.

v. The man and woman were naked and unashamed.

This is symbolic of being free from sin, depravity, and sexual insecurity.  They were nude and free; bathing in natural love and divine union with each other and God.  They were innocent.

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