Genesis Chapter 4 – Cain and Abel
v.1 Adam and Eve knew each other(had sex) and she conceived. The fruit of this union was Cain.
The name Cain comes from the Hebrew word qayin (kah-yin) which means to create. The name Cain also resembles the
verb in Hebrew which means to produce.
v.2 Eve gave birth to Abel. Abel became a shepherd and Cain became a
The name Abel comes from the Hebrew word hebel (heh-bel) which means vanity or
emptiness. According to Strong’s, it could
figuratively mean unsatisfactory.
v.3-5 Cain brought an offering of fruit to God. Abel brought God a sacrifice of the first of
his flock (their fat portions). God preferred
Abel’s offering over Cain’s. God had no
regard for Cain’s offering. This made Cain furious and his face fell.
These three verses show the first instance of favoritism in
the Bible. Favoritism always produces a
feeling of anger, hurt, and jealously. These
verses also make a distinction between their gifts. Cain’s gift was a gift of fruit. There was nothing distinguishable about his
fruit. Abel brought his best, his first,
his finest, his fattest.
v.6-7 God asks Cain why his face has fallen. God tells Cain that if he did well he would
be accepted. God also warns that if he
does not do well that sin (with a desire for him) will lurk at the door but
Cain must master it.
This verse reveals that God approves of things done
well. Half hearted, effortless
sacrifices are not sacrifices at all.
God disregarded Cain’s sacrifice.
It meant nothing to God since it meant nothing to Cain.
v.8 Cain asked his brother to go into the field with him and Cain killed Abel.
This is the first murder in the Bible. This is also the first of many battles
between brothers. I find it interesting
that Cain (creation) killed Abel (vanity/emptiness).
v.9 God asked Cain where his brother was. Cain lied and said that he did not know. He is not his brother’s keeper.
Contrary to popular belief, this is the first lie of the
bible. Cain denied knowing where his
brother was and became defensive and replied that he was not the keeper of his brother.
v.10 God asked Cain what he had done. God said that Abel’s blood crying out from
the ground.
v.11-12 God cursed Cain from tilling the ground because
he spilled his brother’s blood in it.
God made Cain a fugitive and a wanderer.
v.13-14 Cain said that his punishment was greater than he
could bear. Because he can no longer
farm and is a fugitive and wanderer, he is afraid that he will be killed.
v.15 God put a mark on protection on Cain so that anyone
whoever murders him will suffer vengeance 7 times over.
Although Cain took Abel’s life, God protected Cain’s
life. The mark is not described.
v.16 Cain left and settled in Nod (land of wandering),
east of Eden.
v.17 Cain knew (had sex with) his wife and she conceived and
gave birth to Enoch. Cain then built a
city which he named Enoch, after his son.
Where did Cain’s wife come from? This could not be his sister because at this point, Adam and Eve are only reported to have two children (Cain and Abel). They were not reported to have
other sons and daughters until after the birth of Seth. See Gen.5:4. This means that there were other people on the
v.18 Shows the generations from Enoch to Lamech.
v.19 Lamech takes two wives (Adah and Zillah).
This is the first instance of polygamy in the Bible.
v.20 Adah gave birth to Jabal who is the ancestor of tent
dwellers and livestock owners.
v.21 Jabal’s bother Jubal was the ancestor of musicians
(lyre and pipe players).
v.22 Zillah gave birth to Tubal-cain who was the ancestor of bronze and iron workers. She also
gave birth to his sister Naamah.
v.23 Lamech tells his wives that he has killed a man for
wounding him.
This is the second murder in the Bible.
v.24 Lamech says that if Cain is avenged sevenfold surly
he will be avenged seventy-seven fold.
Maybe Lamech feels that his life is more sacred than Cain’s because Lamech killed in self defense whereas Cain killed out of jealousy.
v.25 Adam and Eve had Seth. Eve said that God gave her another child
because Abel was killed.
v. 26 Seth’s son was Enosh. At this time in history, people started to
invoke the name of Yahweh.
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