When reading the story of Jesus and the woman at the well, I am always moved by Jesus' silent activism and his ability to leave judgment to God. Jesus shows through his actions how he does not agree with his societal norms like women being second class citizens or cultural bias. Jesus sits at a well in public and begins speaking with a woman. In those days, that was unlawful. Not only was she a woman, she was a Samaritan woman. Jews and Samaritans weren't supposed to interact with each other. Yet, Jesus threw all of those manmade rules out of the window and asked a nice woman for a drink of water. During conversation, it is revealed that this woman was not only a Samaritan woman, she was a worldly woman. She had 5 ex-husbands and was living with a new man. Yet, Jesus did not judge her but gave her the gospel and she took it to her town and told her people about him. Through her testimony, many came to Christ.
We should learn to be like Jesus. Be advocates of action. Help transform the world by actions not just words. Jesus asked no one if it was okay to talk to a woman like an equal. He just did it because he knew that God made both man and woman in God's image. When we see injustice, let's do something about it and not just talk about it.
And, oh yeah, leave the judgment to God! It is not our job to decide whom God can and cannot use for the betterment of society. We should just do our job and let God do God's.
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