Wednesday, December 9, 2015

God Ain't Listenin'!

There are times when God seems completely silent.  We feel abandoned. Our prayers go unanswered.  Confusion and indecision encompasses us.  Doubt and despair fills us. We scream, “Speak Lord!” and there is still silence.  We feel so far from God that our very faith seems foolish.

We must learn to accept silence at times.  In a word of noise, that is difficult to do, but sometimes God works in silence.  Sometimes silence is God’s verdict, and we refuse to accept that the answer is simply no.

When Jesus trembled with fear in the garden of Gethsemane, he knew that his life was coming to the end.  He was depressed and frightened.  The realization that he was going to be tortured and killed filled him with dread.  Jesus asked God to change his fate. God was silent.  Jesus asked again to be delivered from mortal torment. Face to the ground, prostrate before the throne of God, eyes filled with tears, sweat drenching his body, Jesus asked that his bitter cup be taken away.  God again did not answer.  Jesus prayed thrice and thrice the result was the same.  God did not answer because God’s decision was final.  Jesus was to be the great sacrifice.  Crucifixion was a certainty. There was no way around this.  Jesus did not curse the Father, but Jesus accepted his fate and said he would obey God’s will not his own. (See Matt. 26:36-46)

When God does not answer, it does not mean that God does not hear.  Sometimes God’s will is not our own.  When this occurs, we must accept the will of God and let the cards fall where they may.  This is hard to swallow for many, but life is not all about what we want.  We have to realize that the will of God, the greater good, consequences for our actions, and life choices can outweigh what we think we may deserve. Therefore, we must remember to keep the faith when we can clearly hear the voice of God and also keep the faith when we think our prayers are falling on deaf ears. 

God is always with us and always will be. Learn to let God’s will be done because “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Rom. 8:28) 

May the peace of the Christ, the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and the grace of God always rest upon you. Be blessed and remember to love hard and live free!

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Friday, October 30, 2015

Walk In Your Truth

Don’t allow people to dictate your life.  As long as you are living according to the Word of God, you are just fine.  Sometimes people like to criticize your personal beliefs, the way you worship, or your worldview.  If the light of God shines through you and it is evident by the way you live your life, the opinions of others are irrelevant.  If you love God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love others as yourself, you are doing the will of God.  Yeshua (Jesus) said all of the commandments are built upon these two things.

The world will always find something to criticize.  Keep in mind that Yeshua (Jesus) was accused of having a demon (Matt. 12:24, John 7:20, John 8:48-19), being crazy (Mark 3:20, John 10:19-20), and being a glutton and a drunkard (Matthew 11:19).  The religious leaders of the day called him blasphemous (John 10:33).  Yeshua (Jesus) didn’t worry about the doctrines of the day or what was popular.  A matter of fact, I would steer away from what the masses think is popular because Yeshua (Jesus) warned that broad is the entrance and wide path that leads to damnation (Matthew 7:13).

So walk proudly in communion with God.  You are unique and so is your relationship with God. God created you as you are.  As long as you are living in harmony with the Holy Spirit, love hard and live free! 

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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sex is a Gift!

How fair and pleasant you are,
   O loved one, delectable maiden! 
You are stately as a palm tree,
   and your breasts are like its clusters. 
I say I will climb the palm tree
   and lay hold of its branches.

O may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,
   and the scent of your breath like apples, 
and your kisses like the best wine
   that goes down smoothly,
   gliding over lips and teeth. 
Song of Songs 7:6-9

Love and sex are gifts from God.  Sex is sacred, and a form of praise when a man takes his wife in his arms, and experiences carnal pleasures.  Desire, lust, yearning, and red hot desire burns within us all.  Butterflies, goose bumps, steamy hot perspiration all prepares us for the ultimate expression of human intimacy. 

Sex was created to be shared within the confines of committed love.  There is nothing dirty, abnormal, or disgraceful about finding joy in sensuality.  Men and women were made to become one flesh.  We are puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.  A matter of fact, sex is the first commandment that God gave to humanity.  God said, “Be fruitful and multiply” (Gen.1:28), and God wasn’t talking about farming.  The only way to procreate is to have sex.  The first man and woman were naked and unashamed because they were pure and free.  They enjoyed one another in every fleshy sense because everything God created was good.  The writer of Proverbs 5:19 tells husbands, “…May her breasts satisfy you at all times; may you be intoxicated by the ways of her love.”  In Song of Songs 1:2 the maiden says of her lover, “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!  For your love is better than wine.”  Sex is meant to be thoroughly enjoyed by men and women alike.

Society has perverted the beauty of sex, and turned it into something naughty and taboo.  Puritanical ideals have made sex a hellish act full of shame and sin.  Hedonistic ideas have turned sex into pornographic smut that destroys intimacy and corrupts the spirit. Both ways are out of balance.  In all things, there must be balance.  God is a God of balance. 

Sex is a smoldering fire that must be contained within the confines of a committed relationship.  If it burns free, it can burn down your whole house.  If it is suffocated, the flame can die, leaving you cold and callous.  Keep it in its proper place and your heart and bed will be warm for a lifetime.  Enjoy each other.  Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day Weekend.

To learn more about Violette, visit

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Humble Yourself or Get Humbled

Humility is something that is very foreign to some of us.  In an individualistic society, we are bombarded with self-promotion.  Everything centers on personal happiness, selfishness, material gain, physical vanity, overweening egos, instant gratification, dog eat dog mindsets,  religious and cultural bigotry, and everything me me me me me. 

Sometimes we are knocked off of our pedestals because we have naively exulted ourselves higher than the God of Heaven.  If we refuse to humble ourselves, God will humble us.

Look at the story of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter 4.  He is the mightiest king on the earth, and his arrogance is astounding.  He gives all the credit to his success to himself.  Nebuchadnezzar does not acknowledge God nor man.  He isn’t at all grateful for the God that created him, the people who helped him stretch his kingdom to the ends of the earth, his mother that bore him or his father that seared him, the army that fought for him, or the architects that built his great city.  He is power drunk with himself, and God humbles him by taking all of his good fortune away.  Nebuchadnezzar went insane for seven years.  He grazed the grass like an animal.  He was made to crawl like a lowly beast because of all the years he made himself higher than all those around him.  When he came to his senses, he humbled himself and gave praise to God, and all of his good fortune was returned to him.  Nebuchadnezzar became a better man than he was before.

Life has a way of humbling us if we refuse to humble ourselves.  Sometimes the horrible circumstances we find ourselves in, are of our own doing. 

Always live an existence of gratitude.  Give glory to God.  Be appreciative of all those who have helped along the way.  Be a help to others.  Let humanity exalt us for our great works so that we don’t have to exalt ourselves.  In humility, love hard and live free.

To learn more about Violette, visit

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ride or Die

The choice to serve God should never be dependent upon what God will or won’t do for us.  We have to decide in our hearts to be all in or all out.  We have to be ride or die for God. 

The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego always remind me of what true faith looks like.  When being faced with certain death for not bowing to a false god, the three men replied to the King of Babylon’s threat in Daniel 3: 17-18, “If our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire and out of your hand, O king, let him deliver us. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods and we will not worship the golden statue that you have set up.”  For certain, whether they lived or died, they would not bow down.  They made it perfectly clear that they would never conform; that they were not interested in lives as sycophants.  Death would be better for them than being followers of foolery.

We have to be willing to die for our beliefs; to trust God even when things seem to be to our detriment.  We have to be able to stand for what is right, what is sacred, what is in line with God’s purpose for us even when it goes against what the world says or our personal agendas.  Of course this is hard, but we must have faith that God is on our side no matter what circumstance we find ourselves in.  It is important to know that God does not bend to our will; but, we are to bend to God’s, and trust that God will not put us in a situation that does not benefit God’s divine purpose.  For we must realize, God’s plan will ultimately better all humanity by bringing us all within God’s loving presence and everlasting peace. 

So stand firm.  Don’t be lukewarm.  Have no fear of the mortal but the Great Immortal!  Walk in faith knowing that God will never leave you nor forsake you.  Love hard and live free! 

To learn more about Violette, visit

Friday, January 23, 2015

Mercy (love) v. Sacrifice

This morning, while doing my morning prayer and reading, I stumbled upon Hosea 6:6 and the spirit of the Lord came upon me.  The verse read, “For I desire mercy (steadfast love) not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.”  Suddenly I became painfully aware of what is most important to God.  It is simply to love one another and getting to know God on a personal level. 

Many times we try to get close to God by sacrificial offerings.  We sacrifice money (tithing); we sacrifice time (volunteering/church); and we sacrifice food (fasting), yet with all of these sacrifices we forget to be truly loving and merciful towards one another.  We sometimes forget what it means to be good to our spouses, effective parents to our children; loyal and understanding friends, helpful neighbors, and compassionate strangers.  We forget to ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of God’s will because we are so busy bending the world to our own will.   Sometimes we are so busy sacrificing that we fail to be in relationship with the God we are supposed to be sacrificing for.

Sacrifices are necessary and God appreciates them, but that it is not the point of it all.  The point of it all is to seek God, to know God, and to let God’s light shine through us by the love we show to others.

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