Wednesday, December 9, 2015

God Ain't Listenin'!

There are times when God seems completely silent.  We feel abandoned. Our prayers go unanswered.  Confusion and indecision encompasses us.  Doubt and despair fills us. We scream, “Speak Lord!” and there is still silence.  We feel so far from God that our very faith seems foolish.

We must learn to accept silence at times.  In a word of noise, that is difficult to do, but sometimes God works in silence.  Sometimes silence is God’s verdict, and we refuse to accept that the answer is simply no.

When Jesus trembled with fear in the garden of Gethsemane, he knew that his life was coming to the end.  He was depressed and frightened.  The realization that he was going to be tortured and killed filled him with dread.  Jesus asked God to change his fate. God was silent.  Jesus asked again to be delivered from mortal torment. Face to the ground, prostrate before the throne of God, eyes filled with tears, sweat drenching his body, Jesus asked that his bitter cup be taken away.  God again did not answer.  Jesus prayed thrice and thrice the result was the same.  God did not answer because God’s decision was final.  Jesus was to be the great sacrifice.  Crucifixion was a certainty. There was no way around this.  Jesus did not curse the Father, but Jesus accepted his fate and said he would obey God’s will not his own. (See Matt. 26:36-46)

When God does not answer, it does not mean that God does not hear.  Sometimes God’s will is not our own.  When this occurs, we must accept the will of God and let the cards fall where they may.  This is hard to swallow for many, but life is not all about what we want.  We have to realize that the will of God, the greater good, consequences for our actions, and life choices can outweigh what we think we may deserve. Therefore, we must remember to keep the faith when we can clearly hear the voice of God and also keep the faith when we think our prayers are falling on deaf ears. 

God is always with us and always will be. Learn to let God’s will be done because “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Rom. 8:28) 

May the peace of the Christ, the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and the grace of God always rest upon you. Be blessed and remember to love hard and live free!

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