Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy To Be Debt Free!

Sometimes in life we are backed into a corner.  Every bill is due. Creditors are snapping at our heels.  The repo man is circling our block.  The bank is threatening to take our home.  Maybe our problems aren’t financial.  We are emotionally or physically overwhelmed or have a spiritual deficit.  Happiness is always out of reach. Whatever it is, it seems that we do not have enough to keep the stresses of life at bay.  When these moments come, we must learn to use what we have, and have faith that God will make ends meet.

When we read about a widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7 who goes to the prophet Elisha in desperation because a creditor is threatening to enslave her children because of her late husband’s debt, we see a woman who knows the power of God.  Instead of hustling on the street; instead of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul; instead of selling her sons, instead of stealing or killing, she took her problem to God and consulted the prophet Elisha.  Elisha asked her what she had of value in her home.  She had nothing to her name but a jar of oil. The prophet tells her to go ask her neighbors for empty jars and go lock herself and her boys into her house.  Without protest, questions, doubt, or hesitation, the lady did as she is told and the jar of oil multiplied until it filled up every borrowed jar.  She sold the oil and paid her debt.  Faith and obedience brought her from ducking and dodging to debt free!

When life has us teetering on the edge of a cliff, we must know that we serve a God who is able to set our feet upon stable ground.  We have to learn to use what little we have and trust God that it will be enough.  Jesus told us not to worry because if God takes care of birds and flowers God will certainly take care of us.  If we seek God first, all things will be provided for.  It doesn’t matter if we can’t see it or feel it at the time.  All we have to do is believe that God can and will fill our jars, increase our oil, multiply our possessions so we will always make due.  Keep the faith and continue to be fruitful and productive. Strive perpetually. Have a healthy happy blessed new year! 

To learn more about Violette, visit


  1. Powerful Word! Affirming that God will provide....Ms. Myra 💕

  2. Powerful Word! Affirming that God will provide....Ms. Myra 💕

  3. Great blog, very timely indeed.
